ICBH introduction to our African Breeds
ICBH Group farms and breeds with none other than the traditional indigenous 'free-range' chickens.
When we talk about indigenous chickens, we talk about the traditional chicken that originates from Africa, the breed that is now lost due to the cross-over to broilers and the influx of large corporate chicken farming companies.
Remember, back in the day, when we all enjoyed eating a tasty, plump roasted chicken, with loads of nutritional value because the chickens were allowed to forage freely in the open spaces of the farm and back-yards experiencing mother nature's sunshine, windy and rainy weather ?
The ICBH Group has brought back those ever so popular, plump and flavoursome chickens that so many of us enjoyed at family mealtimes of years past. Currently, customers' retail trends are turning more than ever, towards 'free-range' poultry and produce. Free-range chickens and free-range eggs are healthier, more nutritious with a distinct flavour and taste an most breeders, say hens start to lay from as early as 18 weeks, we disagree and say prepare yourself for longer waiting period from 24 to 27 weeks old, this is also based on the way the laying chicks have been reared, giving them the correct development feed and vaccinations and the same will apply if you wish for the roosters to grow fast and big, you will need to feed them with high protein feed to gain weight in the shortest possible time.
We have spent years cross-breeding with a few exceptional noted breeds from all of Africa, resulting successfully in sharing fast growing, multipurpose chickens branded the ROCO, the POCO, the BOCO & the HOCO and at the same time, breeding with the well-known, commercial breeds such ROSS BOILERS and LOHMANN breeds.
It is highly recommended to buy day-old chicks directly from our hatchery (the ICBH Hatchery & Breeding farm) a farm and hatchery closely monitored and audited by the ICBH Group, always maintaining the highest standards implemented by the ICBH Group, resulting in good quality day-old chicks and guaranteed customer satisfaction.
Read more about each breed under each drop-down bar
Breed Categories
Every breed, beyond their primary use, have unique qualities that make them different, i.e. some chickens have special feathers that allow them to survive cold climates, others are more adept when it comes to foraging for their own food, some chickens are good as 'egg layers' and others are known for their 'meat'.
Traditional / indigenous chicken breeds are better known as chickens that come from a specific country or continent. Listed below are a few of the more popular breeds -
Pure Breeds
Ameraucana, Australorp, Barnevelder, Bantam, Brahma, Cornish, Cochins, Holland, Jersey Giant, Lakenvelders, Leghorn, Malays, Marans, New Hampshire, Orpingtons, Plymouth Rocks, Polish, Rhode Island Red, Sebright, Silkie, Wyandotte
Cross Breeds
Naked Neck, Venda, Ovambo, Potch Koekoek, Natal Game, Roco, Poco
Hybrid Breeds
Hi-Line, Lohmann, Ross Broiler, Cobb Broiler